Rosacea (Acne Rosacea)

Treatment path

Onderzoek & diagnose rosacea

De dermatologen van Bergman Clinics | Huid & Vaten kunnen op basis van symptomen en klachten snel de diagnose stellen voor rosacea. Bij twijfel zal de dermatoloog een klein stukje huid wegnemen (een biopt) om te onderzoeken in het laboratorium.

Eventueel zal de dermatoloog u laten testen op allergieën. Hiermee kan hij uitsluiten dat de klachten worden ontstaan door een allergische reactie op bijvoorbeeld make-up of huidverzorgingsproducten.

Digital Consultation

Het is ook mogelijk uw consult digitaal met de arts te laten plaatsvinden. Om u tijdens het consult zo goed mogelijk te helpen kan het zinvol zijn om beeldmateriaal met uw arts te delen. Onze arts kan uw klacht dan beter beoordelen. Wij bieden u twee mogelijkheden om beeldmateriaal te delen. Via videoconsult of door het vooraf delen van beeldmateriaal. Lees meer over het digitale consult bij Bergman Clinics | Huid & Vaten.  

Want to know more about Rosacea research and treatment at Bergman Clinics? If so, please get in touch. Would you like to make an appointment right away? You can do so with a referral from your primary care physician.


What are the access times for this treatment?

Want to know how soon you can get your specific treatment at Bergman Clinics? Then check out the current admission times now.

What can you do yourself to reduce rosacea?

You can find out for yourself if you recognize factors that aggravate rosacea in you. Each person may have different stimuli. Therefore, try to avoid the factors that aggravate your rosacea. Also, try to avoid exposure to sunlight as much as possible and, if necessary, use sunscreen with a high sun protection factor. Camouflaging cosmetics can help mask facial redness.

What are the prospects when you have rosacea?

Of course, the symptoms of rosacea are very annoying and can be cosmetically very disturbing. Nevertheless, rosacea is generally a very harmless disease, with no complications besides a sporadic eye abnormality. Rosacea can be treated well, but is not definitively curable. Therefore, when you stop therapy (with the cream, gel, tablets or capsules), the symptoms of rosacea will usually return over time.


What is the arrangement for reimbursement/insurance?

For more information, visit the Reimbursement & Insurance page.

Where can I see client experiences or share my experience?

For more information, check out our client ratings on Zorgkaart Nederland. You can also share your experience on Zorgkaart Nederland.

What quality is offered at Bergman Clinics?

We provide medical care of the highest quality. Four values are central to this:
  • Result of treatment
  • Safety
  • Client focus
  • Experience team
Read more about the quality at Bergman Clinics. In addition, we are ZKN certified.

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