Quality & Safety

Bergman Clinics guarantees the highest possible quality care and special attention to the client. Monitoring and improving all forms of quality within Bergman Clinics is a continuous process. We have formulated very high quality standards and according to fixed protocols our quality system is continuously evaluated.

Transparent and proud of the care we provide

At Bergman Clinics, we also believe it is very important that everyone has insight into the quality of care we provide. For that reason, we make our quality outcomes public. We refresh the measured information regularly, so that the most recent analyses and outcomes are always available. Using the quality pillars below, we provide insight into quality and treatment outcomes.

Four quality pillars of Bergman Clinics

We organize the quality information by:

  • Result of treatment

  • Safety

  • Client focus

  • Experience team

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Quality Compass

Through our Quality Compass we provide insight into the quality and treatment outcomes at the organizational level and specific disease level within Bergman Clinics along the above pillars. 

Quality reports by condition

A full quality report is also available for many treated conditions. These reports provide insight into the performance around the treatment and thus make it relevant for the client and referrer looking for quality care. The quality reports can be read here.

Focus on technology and education

Bergman Clinics locations have state-of-the-art surgical facilities, high-tech diagnostic equipment and comfortable recovery rooms and care environments. The top medical specialist staff and other personnel stay abreast of the latest (medical) developments through education and training.

Rating site ZorgkaartNederland

ZorgkaartNederland is an initiative of patient federation NPCF. ZorgkaartNederland aims to help consumers find and choose a healthcare provider and provide insight into its quality. Per month, the site has approximately 900,000 visits - of which 750,000 are unique visitors -, 3.2 million pages are served and 3,700 ratings are published. 

How independent and neutral is ZorgkaartNederland?

Patient Federation NPCF safeguards the independent position of the website. In doing so, the interests of both consumers and healthcare providers are carefully guarded. Among other things, the editors of ZorgkaartNederland use a code of conduct for this purpose.

On the right side of this page are ratings of Bergman Clinics by division. These widgets are 'real-time' and managed by ZorgkaartNederland.

Contact contact
Bergman Clinics

Our phone wait time is longer than normal. Use mybergmanclinics.com to manage appointments, view your file, view appointment information, track correspondence, check or complete personal information and request repeat prescriptions.