Breast Reduction

Treatment path

De borstverkleinende operatie

Gemiddeld duurt de borstverkleinende operatie anderhalf uur. De plastisch chirurg maakt een incisie rond de tepelhof, naar de borstplooi en soms ook in de plooi zelf. Vet- en huidweefsel worden zorgvuldig verwijderd, waarna de plastisch chirurg de tepel en tepelhof op de gewenste hoogte vastzet. In de meeste gevallen blijft de tepel verbonden met zenuwbanen en bloedvaten.

De operatiemethodes

Er kunnen drie verschillende methodes worden ingezet bij een borstverkleining, namelijk;

  1. Ankermethode
    Bij de ankermethode blijft na de borstverkleining een litteken over in de vorm van een anker
  2. Sleutelgatmethode
    Bij deze sleutelgatmethode wordt de huid zo losgemaakt van het borstweefsel dat er minder huid verwijderd hoeft te worden, zodat het litteken beperkt kan worden tot een sleutelgat.
  3. Combinatie methode
    Dit is een combinatie van beide operatietechnieken. Hierdoor wordt het litteken in de plooi zo klein mogelijk en is deze minder zichtbaar.

De operatie

Gemiddeld duurt de borstverkleinende operatie anderhalf uur. De plastisch chirurg maakt een incisie rond de tepelhof, naar de borstplooi en soms ook in de plooi zelf. Vet- en huidweefsel worden zorgvuldig verwijderd, waarna de plastisch chirurg de tepel en tepelhof op de gewenste hoogte vastzet. In de meeste gevallen blijft de tepel verbonden met zenuwbanen en bloedvaten.

Can breast reduction also be done by liposuction?

In plaats van voor een borstverkleinende operatie kan ook gekozen worden voor een borstverkleining met behulp van tumescente liposuctie.

Dit heeft een aantal voor- en nadelen.

  • Only local anesthesia is required and no cutting is done, so no scarring occurs.
  • It is a less major procedure than surgery, so you will have less post-treatment pain and much less risk of complications.


  • Only fat tissue can be removed, not glandular tissue. This procedure is especially suitable for women with heavy breasts, because the removal of fatty tissue can make back, neck and/or shoulder pain occur much less after the procedure than before. In all cases, a definite lifting effect occurs.


What are the access times for this treatment?

Want to know how soon you can get your specific treatment at Bergman Clinics? Then check out the current admission times now.

Is treatment under the age of 18 possible?

At Bergman Clinics | Appearance we do not perform treatments under the age of 18, with the exception of some treatments at the skin therapists. Please contact us by phone at 088 9000 500.

Can the breast grow back after breast reduction?

Whether the breast resumes in size after surgery depends on a number of factors. First, the breast consists largely of fat. If you gain weight, the breast will also grow. In young women, the breast is more likely to grow again after surgery.

Can breast reduction also be done by liposuction?

Instead of going for breast reduction surgery, breast reduction using tumescent liposuction can also be chosen. This has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

  • Only local anesthesia is required and no cutting is done, so no scarring occurs.
  • It is a less major procedure than surgery, so you will have less post-treatment pain and much less risk of complications.


  • Only fat tissue can be removed, not glandular tissue. This procedure is especially suitable for women with heavy breasts, because the removal of fatty tissue can make back, neck and/or shoulder pain occur much less after the procedure than before. In all cases, a definite lifting effect occurs.

Can I choose any cup size when undergoing breast reduction surgery?

It is not possible to achieve a specific cup size. In fact, there is no such thing as a fixed cup size. In fact, a cup size depends on your bust size, bra size and circumference bra size you choose.

We can, however, technically achieve any degree of reduction, ranging from limited to extensive breast reduction. The specialist will agree with you what he will do based on your desire and the technical possibilities. This will usually give you what you want.

Can I pay in installments?

Payment in installments is not possible at Bergman Clinics | Appearance.

When is the anchor method and when is the keyhole method used in breast reduction?

Which method is used for breast reduction depends on the size of the breast, the nipple position and, in particular, how much the breast needs to be reduced.

In general, for larger breast reductions, the anchor method is used. If the reduction is not very large and the nipple does not need a huge elevator, the keyhole method is also possible. This has the advantage that there is less scarring, but the disadvantage that in the beginning it often looks less beautiful and in the long run the breast may sag a bit.

Is breast reduction reimbursed?

A breast reduction is conditionally reimbursed from the basic package. For this you always need a referral from your GP. In order to get the treatment reimbursed, your complaints must meet nationally set rules. Read more on the reimbursement page for breast reduction.

What is the arrangement for reimbursement/insurance?

For more information, visit the Reimbursement & Insurance page.

Where can I see client experiences or share my experience?

For more information, check out our client ratings on Zorgkaart Nederland. You can also share your experience on Zorgkaart Nederland.

What are the prices of this treatment?

What quality is offered at Bergman Clinics?

We provide medical care of the highest quality. Four values are central to this:
  • Result of treatment
  • Safety
  • Client focus
  • Experience team
Read more about the quality at Bergman Clinics. In addition, we are ZKN certified.

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