What is a scar?

A scar forms during the healing process of a wound in the form of scar tissue also called connective tissue. Most wounds leave a white and flat scar over time, which is unaffected. Some wounds may leave a red and raised scar; these are mainly deeper wounds. Examples of deeper wounds are: burns, surgical wounds or bite marks.

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A normal scar

A "normal" scar takes an average of one year to "mature". After this year, the scar has acquired its final shape and color. During this year, we recommend treating the scar and the skin around it with the scar cream and serum specially developed by Bergman Beauty Care, Scar Retreat Cream & Serum.

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Access times

We always strive to help you quickly in our focus clinics. Our access times are updated weekly.

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What are the access times for this treatment?

Want to know how soon you can get your specific treatment at Bergman Clinics? Then check out the current admission times now.

What is the arrangement for reimbursement/insurance?

For more information, visit the Reimbursement & Insurance page.

Where can I see client experiences or share my experience?

For more information, check out our client ratings on Zorgkaart Nederland. You can also share your experience on Zorgkaart Nederland.

What are the prices of this treatment?

What quality is offered at Bergman Clinics?

We provide medical care of the highest quality. Four values are central to this:
  • Result of treatment
  • Safety
  • Client focus
  • Experience team
Read more about the quality at Bergman Clinics. In addition, we are ZKN certified.

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