Access times
Peildatum onderstaande toegangstijden: 04-02-2025
Current access time *
Hip complaints osteoarthritis
2 days
Hip pain (not osteoarthritis)
2 days
Knee pain osteoarthritis
2 days
Knee problems (not osteoarthritis)
2 days
Foot and/or ankle complaints
6 days
Shoulder Pain
8 days
Elbow complaints
8 days
Hand and wrist complaints
13 days
Current access time *
Carpal tunnel syndrome
17 dagen
Knee prosthesis
23 days
Keyhole knee surgery
28 days
Surgical treatment of meniscus and/or knee ligaments
29 days
Keyhole shoulder surgery
29 days
Hip prosthesis
35 days
Foot and/or ankle surgery
37 dagen
Hand and/or wrist surgery
38 dagen