Other skin conditions

There are many other dermatological conditions, severe and minor, common or infrequent. In principle, all conditions can be treated by Bergman Clinics | Skin & Vascular.

Other dermatological conditions include:

  • Atheroma cyst: a common benign small skin tumor that occurs mainly in adults.
  • Chronic Discoid Lupus Erythematodes (CDLE): produces red patches, often with scaly skin, often on the face and arms, as well as bald patches on the scalp.
  • Erythema multiforme: red rash in the form of spots, shoots and hives. The rash is round and has several areas, with a dark center and a red ring on the outside.
  • Erythema nodosum: sudden appearance of painful, warm and red bumps on the legs and in some cases also on the arms. 
  • Erythrasma: a little scaly skin condition that causes reddish-brown patches on the skin and occurs mainly in the groin, under the armpits and in other body folds. Erythrasma can also occur between the toes; however, it causes a white skin abnormality here
  • Granuloma annulare: is characterized by a ring or multiple rings of skin-colored or red bumps, especially on the backs of the hands and feet, but also on the fingers, toes and arms. 
  • Ichthyosis: most characteristic symptom is a very rough skin, resembling the scales of a fish. Different variants are described on the Ichthyosis page.
  • Keratoacanthoma: a round, skin-colored or red tumor on the skin, especially in areas of the skin exposed to sunlight.
  • Dermatitis perioralis: literally means "inflammation of the skin around the mouth. Dermatitis perioralis is usually caused by the use of creams or ointments on the face that contain corticosteroids. The condition is particularly characterized by redness and pimples around the mouth.
  • Shrinks (Impetigo): gives superficial blisters, vesicles and red skin as the first signs. The blisters quickly burst and scabs form on them. These scabs are yellowish or brown and may grow larger over time. After a while, these scabs fall off the skin by themselves. 
  • Lichen planus: these red to purple bumps on the skin, are flat at the top. Generally they occur on the lower back and on the inside of the ankles and wrists, but other parts of the body are possible. It is common to see white streaks, including on the inside of your cheek, on the tongue or on other mucous membranes in the mouth.
  • Lichen sclerosis: highly visible white spots on the body, especially occurring on the labia or anus. Lichen sclerosus can also occur on other areas of the body. The spots may be shiny and the skin affected by lichen sclerosus feels tight, this can cause chapping and therefore scarring of the skin.
  • Lipedema: a fat metabolism disease of the fat cells of the legs and sometimes the arms.
  • Hives (hives): itchy, red spots that are sharply defined. Often the center of the spot is paler than the rest.
  • Pemphigus and bulleus pemphigoid (also called parapemphigus): blisters and wounds develop on the mucous membranes first in the mouth and throat and later in other places on the skin on the body.
  • Herpes: type 1 which occurs around the mouth as a cold sore and type 2 which occurs around the genitals.
  • Vitiligo: white patches without pigment appear on the skin, usually around body openings, such as the mouth, eyes and genitals. Vitiligo is also common on the hands. When vitiligo develops on a patch of skin with hairs on it, it is also possible for the hairs to continue growing without pigment and thus become white.
  • Wound erysipelas (Erysipelas): red spots or (blood) blisters on the skin which often feel thick and painful. There is usually a high fever and general malaise.
  • Lyme disease: the result of a tick bite, exists in several varieties.

Take no chances and have your doctor or an expert look at your symptoms. 

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