De behandelingen

Treatment path

Vergelijk alle behandelingen

Hieronder staat de belangrijkste informatie van elke behandeling. Zo kunt u de voor- en nadelen goed met elkaar vergelijken. Hoe de behandelingen precies gaan kunt u lezen bij de behandelinformatie. U kunt ook meer lezen over het herstel van elke behandeling.

effecten en
informatie per
Myopia tot -12 tot -10 tot tot -10 tot -8 tot -10 tot -24  ja
Verziendheid  - tot +5  tot +3 tot +3 tot +5 tot +14  ja
 tot 5 tot 6 tot 4 tot 5 tot 6 tot 7  ja
- - - - ja -


 - - - - - -  ja
18-55 18-55  18-55  18-55  18-55  18-55   55+
2006 1992 1999 1987 2009 1980  1950
per oog
 30 sec 15 +
30 sec
30 +
30 sec
 30 +
30 sec
 15 +
30 sec
15 min 15 min
Pijn na
 -  - 2 dagen 3 dagen - - -
Irritatie na
 2 uur 3 uur 3 dagen 5 dagen 3 uur - -
Herstel van
het zicht
 24 uur 24 uur 5 dagen 7 dagen 24 uur 24 uur 24 uur
Zicht helemaal
6 weken 6 weken 12 weken 12 weken 6 weken 6 weken 6 weken
8 weken 8 weken 8 weken 8 weken 8 weken 4 weken 4 weken
Droge ogen
na ingreep
no incidenteel no no incidenteel no no
Ogen per keer
2 2 2 2 2 1 1
met 'flapje'
 - ja - - ja - -
Ogen extra
2 weken 2 weken 2 weken  2 weken  2 weken  2 weken  2 weken 
dragen buiten
2 weken 2 weken 26 weken 26 weken 2 weken 2 weken 2 weken



With what diseases/disorders can my eyes not be lasered?

In order to have your eyes lasered, they must be healthy. If there is an eye condition, such as keratoconus, or glaucoma, for example, it is not possible to laser your eyes. If you would like more information about your specific situation, please contact us.

I am nearsighted (poor distance vision), can my eyes be lasered?

Your eyes can be lasered if you are nearsighted (myopic). You are nearsighted if you have difficulty seeing in the distance. For example, it is difficult to read traffic signs and the subtitles on television. To correct myopia with laser eye surgery, the deviation must be between -0.5 and -10.

I am farsighted (poor short distance vision), can my eyes be lasered?

Your eyes can be lasered if you are farsighted (hypermetropic). You are farsighted when you have trouble seeing well near and far. For example, it is difficult to read a book. This is different from presbyopia (when you need reading glasses). To correct farsightedness with laser eye surgery, the deviation must be between +1 and +4.

I am pregnant, can my eyes be lasered?

If you are pregnant, you cannot undergo laser eye surgery. During pregnancy (and while breastfeeding), hormonal activity changes. This can affect your vision. Therefore, we do not perform laser surgery until 3 months after you give birth, or stop breastfeeding.

I have dry eyes, can my eyes be lasered?

From laser eye surgery, your eyes temporarily become a bit drier. With LASIK in particular, this can last longer, making this treatment unsuitable for people who already suffer from dry eyes. The new, relatively gentle eye laser treatment SMILE gives fewer symptoms of dry eyes, and so may also be suitable for people with dry eyes. The same is true of TransPRK.

I have a cylinder defect, can my eyes be lasered?

Often a cylinder is accompanied by farsightedness or nearsightedness. Laser eye surgery with cylinder is possible up to 5 diopters.

I have a lazy eye, can my eyes be lasered?

You can have your eyes lasered with lazy eye when you have more than 25% vision with the lazy eye. Unfortunately, lazy eye cannot be fixed.

In the some countries laser eye surgery is cheaper, can I go there?

You can, but the Dutch Association of Ophthalmologists advises against having your eyes lasered abroad because it is not known what requirements are in place abroad and because there is no oversight. In the Netherlands there are strict quality requirements and standards. Abroad, we do not know exactly. In the Netherlands there is also a certification system for ophthalmologists. Only ophthalmologists who meet the set requirements and rules receive a certificate.

Is laser eye surgery painful?

No. All treatments are sedated and therefore painless. You may feel certain procedures, but they are not painful. For the first few hours after a treatment, your eyes may feel irritated or sometimes sore for a few hours to a few days. This varies by type of treatment. More information can be found in the comparison chart.

Is laser eye surgery safe? Are there any risks?

Even though laser eye surgery has been widely performed for more than 30 years, there are many people who find the idea of this procedure quite frightening. Often, clients express particular concern about staying awake and having to keep their eyes open throughout the procedure, fearing that this will lead to pain and discomfort. In fact, the entire treatment takes no more than 20 minutes, with the lasering even taking less than 1 minute per eye. Laser surgery is one of the safest medical procedures in the world. There is less chance of an eye infection than with daily use of contact lenses.

Can I go blind from laser eye surgery?

No, the fear of blindness is not real. The laser only works on the cornea, the front layer of your eyeball. This is where the light falls through that allows your eye to see. The rest of your eye, the iris, retina, optic nerve and all other parts, do not come into contact with the laser. During treatment, the computer monitors all your eye movements and compensates immediately. If you look just out of focus, the laser stops immediately.

Up to what deviation can my eyes be lasered?

In principle, we can laser eyes between -10 and +4 (including cylinder). However, this varies per treatment and is therefore subject to the condition that your eyes must be suitable for the treatment in question.

From and up to what age can my eyes be lasered?

Basically, laser eye surgery is possible from age 18 to about 55. This is a guideline. If you are older than 45, it is sometimes better to wait a few years and opt for a lens change. After an extensive preliminary examination, we can tell you exactly what the best choice is for your eyes.

What is the advantage of Bergman Clinics over other providers?

Bergman Clinics specializes in refractive eye surgery. We not only use highly advanced equipment, but also have the most knowledge and experience in the field of this specialty. Because we offer all treatment options, we can determine precisely and objectively which form of treatment best suits your eyes. We are the most experienced clinic in the Netherlands and have already performed more than 100,000 treatments. In each of those treatments, personal attention to you is paramount; before, during and after treatment. With our 24/7 on-call service, you can rely on us day and night. 

What is laser eye surgery and how does treatment work?

Laser eye surgery is a very safe method of optimizing your eye strength. With laser eye surgery, the ophthalmologist treats the outer layer of your eye, the cornea, with a laser. This causes the light to fall correctly back onto your retina resulting in sharp vision. After treatment, you can see sharply again, without glasses or contact lenses. Your eyes can be lasered if your eye deviation is between -10 and +4. And with cylinders up to 5 Diopters.

What are the long-term effects of laser eye surgery?

Laser eye surgery has been a proven and reliable treatment method since the 1980s. Research shows that the cornea recovers well and stably and there is no reason to doubt the effects of laser eye surgery after 20 years. In fact, lens implantation is one of the most successful medical procedures in medicine and has been around even longer than eye laser treatments. Lens implantation also has excellent and lasting results.

What are differences between different types of eye laser treatments?

View this chart to compare all Bergman Clinics treatments .

Are there any eye laser treatments that do not involve making a flap in my cornea?

Yes, this is possible. If you yourself do not prefer the flap treatment, then the TransPRK or the SMILE treatment is a possibility. However, it can happen that after the preliminary examination it turns out that another method is more suitable for you.

What is the arrangement for reimbursement/insurance?

For more information, visit the Reimbursement & Insurance page.

Where can I see client experiences or share my experience?

For more information, check out our client ratings on Zorgkaart Nederland. You can also share your experience on Zorgkaart Nederland.

What quality is offered at Bergman Clinics?

We provide medical care of the highest quality. Four values are central to this:
  • Result of treatment
  • Safety
  • Client focus
  • Experience team
Read more about the quality at Bergman Clinics. In addition, we are ZKN certified.

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