What is a macular hole?
A macular hole is an interruption of the light-sensitive layer (retina) right in the center of vision (macula). It usually affects 1 eye but sometimes it can occur in both eyes.
Causes & symptoms of macular hole
A macular hole usually occurs from age 50 or older during the detachment of the posterior vitreous membrane and causes a missing piece in the center of vision of the affected eye, often surrounded by distortion of the image. Symptoms usually develop over a fairly short period of time and can worsen rapidly.
Treatment macular hole
Treatment is most effective when performed within a few weeks of the onset of symptoms. Treatment consists of a vitrectomy with leaving a gas bubble in the eye. This gas bubble naturally disappears from the eye in the weeks following surgery. In the first days after surgery, a posture recommendation (weeping position) applies to keep the gas bubble against the hole in the retina.
Want to know more about macular hole treatment at Bergman Clinics | Eyes? If so, please contact us at 088 9000 500. Would you like to make an appointment directly? You can do so with a referral from your GP.
Notice! This treatment is not performed at all locations.