Pain when urinating

Treatment path

Treatment pain during urination

The treatment of these symptoms depends very much on the cause of the symptoms. After determining the cause, our doctors can suggest a treatment plan. In this, many things are possible. From physical therapy, medication to a change in behavior.


In young women, advice on hygiene and use of the pelvic floor muscle are often important. One-time antibiotic tablets may also be advised around intercourse. 

In postmenopausal women, one of the most effective treatments is the introduction of a female hormone into the vagina. This can be in the form of ointment or tablets. This brings back the normal (protective) bacteria. The advantage of local therapy over tablets or patches is the lower dose of hormones that can be used to minimize the effects on other organs, such as breasts
and uterus. Our doctors can educate you about this.

If complaints of pain when urinating have existed for some time, it is often important to extend treatment over several pathways. The treatment plan is drawn up by our team of gynecologists, urologists, pelvic physiotherapists, continence nurses and psychologist or sexologist.

Treatment is often with medication, frequently combined with specialized pelvic physical therapy. Very sometimes surgery is the best solution. However, this depends very much on the cause of your symptoms.

Take your complaints seriously

Pain during urination is a common complaint among women. Usually the general practitioner can treat these complaints just fine. If this treatment does not work, your GP can refer you to our clinic.

If, after reading the information on the website, you still have questions about bladder symptoms and possible treatments at Bergman Clinics, please feel free to call: 088 9000 500.


What are the access times for this treatment?

Want to know how soon you can get your specific treatment at Bergman Clinics? Then check out the current admission times now.

What is the arrangement for reimbursement/insurance?

For more information, visit the Reimbursement & Insurance page.

Where can I see client experiences or share my experience?

For more information, check out our client ratings on Zorgkaart Nederland. You can also share your experience on Zorgkaart Nederland.

What quality is offered at Bergman Clinics?

We provide medical care of the highest quality. Four values are central to this:
  • Result of treatment
  • Safety
  • Client focus
  • Experience team
Read more about the quality at Bergman Clinics. In addition, we are ZKN certified.

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