Capelle aan den IJssel
Cypresbaan 3
2908 LT Capelle aan den IJssel
MTP-1 arthrodesis is osteoarthritis (wear and tear) of the MTP-1 joint (Figure 1). The wear of this joint causes pain and restriction of movement. The wear may occur as a result of rheumatoid arthritis or Hallux Valgus (postural deviation of the big toe).
Your primary care physician is your first point of contact if you have questions or complaints about your health. If the family doctor believes you need specialist care, he or she may refer you to Bergman Clinics. The referral will be sent digitally to Bergman Clinics or you can bring the referral letter yourself.
We always strive to help you quickly in our focus clinics. Our access times are updated weekly.
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Our phone wait time is longer than normal. Use to manage appointments, view your file, view appointment information, track correspondence, check or complete personal information and request repeat prescriptions.