You can come to us quickly

At Bergman Clinics, you can quickly get an initial consultation or outpatient appointment. On this page you can see our access times for all treatments.

Peildatum onderstaande toegangstijden: 04-02-2025

Explanation of access times

The overview above gives an indication of our access times by specialty. They are recalculated and updated on our website after each business day. Below are some explanations. 

*Current access time

The mentioned 'Current access time' refers to the 3rd free opportunity in the calendar. This prospective definition is established by the NZa and also applied by us for the waiting time to treatments. 

Access time for a second opinion is longer than for a regular appointment. 

Above access times for diagnostics and/or surgery are after the initial consultation

Waiting time mediation

If you find the access time too long, you can always contact us, or ask your health insurance company for waiting list mediation. Your health insurer can support you in this, so that you may be helped more quickly. The maximum acceptable waiting time jointly agreed upon by healthcare providers and healthcare insurers (the Treek norm) is 4 weeks for access to the outpatient clinic and diagnostics. For treatment, the maximum acceptable waiting time is 7 weeks.

Operations at remote locations, Bergman Clinics | Exercise

Bergman Clinics | Bewegen doctors also operate at IJsselland Hospital and Franciscus Gasthuis & Vlietland. The access times for surgery at these external locations differ from the waiting times at our own locations.

Central surgery location, Bergman Clinics | Appearance

All treatments for Bergman Clinics | Appearance take place in HIlversum, the main location of the Appearance division. The access time shown is the average access time of the specialists at the various outpatient clinics.

Making an appointment for insured care

Ask your primary care physician or other specialist to refer/inform you digitally. In most cases, you can schedule your first appointment directly online. For more information on making an appointment, visit here.

Making an appointment

Contact contact
Bergman Clinics

Our phone wait time is longer than normal. Use to manage appointments, view your file, view appointment information, track correspondence, check or complete personal information and request repeat prescriptions.