What is diabetic retinopathy?

Diabetic retinopathy involves damage to the retina (retina). This condition is a complication common in people with diabetes. Diabetes changes the blood vessels throughout the body, including the tiny blood vessels in the retina. This can damage the retina, resulting in impaired vision.

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What is diabetic retinopathy?

Diabetic retinopathy involves damage to the retina (retina). This condition is a complication common in people with diabetes. The retina is located at the back of the eye, on the inside. The retina contains millions of light-sensitive cells that capture incoming light and convert it into electrical signals that go to our brains. Blood vessels supply the retina with nutrients and oxygen. Diabetes changes the blood vessels throughout the body, including the tiny blood vessels in the retina. This can damage the retina, resulting in deteriorating vision.

In people with diabetic retinopathy, abnormalities develop on the wall of the blood vessels in the retina, and they can cause the blood vessels to leak or become occluded, causing proteins and fats to deposit in the retina and depriving the retina of oxygen. This can cause tangles of new blood vessels to grow.

This can lead to poor vision or even blindness. Vision loss due to retinopathy can be prevented or slowed down with laser treatments, provided they are started in good time. That is, even before diabetics actually start seeing worse.

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In diabetic retinopathy, the capillaries of the retina can be damaged. This can cause tangles of new blood vessels to grow.

Diabetic retinopathy retinal damage is one of the late complications of diabetes. They result from abnormalities of the small blood vessels. One speaks of low vision when the visual acuity of both eyes together is less than thirty percent.

The severity of damage varies greatly and depends on the type of diabetes, duration of disease, age, sugar setting and blood pressure, among other factors. Pregnancy in a diabetic patient can accelerate the damage. Vision may still be good while retinal abnormalities may already be present.

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Leakage of proteins and fats from the vessels of the retina. These substances precipitate (exudates); the yellow precipitates often lie in a circle around the site of leakage

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