Keienbergweg 8
1101 GB Amsterdam
A strong tendon plate, the plantar fascia, runs under the foot from the heel bone to the forefoot. The tendon plate supports the foot and absorbs the shock of walking. Sometimes too much tension occurs on the tendon plate, and then small tendon tears can develop, which are difficult to heal due to locally reduced blood flow.
Your primary care physician is your first point of contact if you have questions or complaints about your health. If the family doctor believes you need specialist care, he or she may refer you to Bergman Clinics. The referral will be sent digitally to Bergman Clinics or you can bring the referral letter yourself.
Overexertion is often the cause. This can be due to sports, but is also often seen with obesity.
In popular speech, the symptoms associated with an inflamed tendon plate are often attributed to a "heel spur. In reality, it is not the heel spur that gives the symptoms, but the inflamed or irritated tendon plate - plantar fasciitis.
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