Keesomstraat 14
1821 BS Alkmaar
Acne is one of the most common conditions in humans. It is an inflammatory condition of the sebaceous glands of the skin. Really anyone can suffer from acne and this skin condition is very common. Usually acne occurs in puberty, due to changes in hormones. Interestingly, during puberty it is more common in boys than in girls. Especially after puberty, women are more often affected by acne.
There are different forms of Acne
There are different treatments for acne. This depends on the degree and symptoms. The specialists of Bergman Clinics | Skin & Vascular give advice on the right treatment and support in this process.
Treatments may include:
Want to learn more about acne screening and treatment at Bergman Clinics? If so, please get in touch. Would you like to make an appointment right away? You can do so with a referral from your primary care physician.
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Bergman Clinics | Skin & Vascular | DoetinchemIk ben tevreden omdat ik goed geholpen ben door de arts en verzorgsters. Ook bij de balie werd ik erg goed ontvangen.
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What are the access times for this treatment?
Does smearing toothpaste help against acne?
Unfortunately, there is no evidence for this. In fact, smearing toothpaste makes the skin very dry and can make acne worse, causing more pimples and zits.
Does tanning help against acne?
It may seem that tanning helps against acne because your skin gets taner and the redness of acne is less noticeable. However, lots of sun can dry out and irritate the skin to such an extent that the symptoms worsen. UV/sunlight can dry out pimples, though.
What can I do about acne myself?
Skin Care
In most cases, people with acne suffer from increased sebum production. A characteristic feature is an oily, shiny face. Cleansing the skin daily with lukewarm water (without scrubbing or exfoliating) removes excess sebum and ensures healthy skin. Excessive use of water and soap is useless and may even be harmful to the skin. Dry skin sometimes develops during treatment. A moisturizing cream may provide relief. Be careful that this cream is not too greasy, which can cause pimples. Squeezing or exfoliating blackheads, pimples and pimples yourself can lead to scarring and worsening of the pimples and is therefore not recommended.
It is wise not to keep switching from one drug to another. Several factors usually play a role in the development of acne. Therefore, if a particular drug does not help adequately, it is better to add a drug to the treatment. With combination treatment, the condition can be fought on several fronts at once.
What is the arrangement for reimbursement/insurance?
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