Willemsparkweg 142
1071 HR Amsterdam
A breast elevator is a procedure that removes excess skin from the breast and also raises the nipple and breast tissue. Thus, tissue (skin) is removed and strictly speaking, this makes the breast slightly smaller. Therefore, for smaller breasts, the breast elevator is often combined with the placement of a small implant to get a breast enlargement effect as well. Women whose breasts have sagged due to weight loss, pregnancies, breastfeeding and gravity, for example, are eligible for this breast elevator surgery. An occasional sagging breast can be corrected by performing breast augmentation alone. View the experiences of clients who have gone before you here.
Your primary care physician is your first point of contact if you have questions or complaints about your health. If the family doctor believes you need specialist care, he or she may refer you to Bergman Clinics. The referral will be sent digitally to Bergman Clinics or you can bring the referral letter yourself.
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Breast Lift and Abdominoplasty in Simply More Beautiful 2011
Animation of the anchor method
Mommy Make-Over in Simply More Beautiful
Mommy Make-Over at Bergman Clinics (More Beautiful Life)
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