Keesomstraat 14
1821 BS Alkmaar
A fistula at the anus (peri-anal fistula), is a newly created passage between the anal canal and the skin around the anus. Often there has been previous inflammation in an anal gland (peri-anal abscess). The peri-anal fistula is then a remnant of the inflammation in the anal gland. Probably about 30 percent of peri-anal abscesses become a fistula.
A fistula at the anus (peri-anal fistula), is a newly created passage between the anal canal and the skin around the anus. Often there has been previous inflammation in an anal gland (peri-anal abscess). The peri-anal fistula is then a remnant of the inflammation in the anal gland. Probably about 30 percent of peri-anal abscesses become a fistula.
The cause of an anal fistula is inflammation. Usually it is an inflammation of an anal gland. It is still unclear why a fistula develops after inflammation and why this condition occurs in some people and not others. Thus, it is not due to poor hygiene. Sometimes the symptoms are related to inflammatory bowel disease. In people with Crohn's disease, diverticulitis and other chronic intestinal inflammation, fistulas are more common. Fistulas are also more common in men than in women. The most common symptoms are fluid or pus loss and pain.
Usually the symptoms are so obvious that physical examination alone is sufficient. If there is doubt as to whether the abscess (inflammatory cavity with pus) or fistula extends deeper inward, an MRI scan may be performed. In some cases, exploration of a fistula must be done in OR.
A fistula does not go away by itself. Until now, surgery is actually always recommended. If there is only an abscess, it should be opened surgically. This ensures that all cavities containing pus can drain properly. Because the tissue around the anal canal (the sphincters) is very tight, it may be that only a small abscess is visible under the skin while deeper still more pus is present. If this is not opened properly, the chances of a fistula developing later are likely to be higher.
A perianal fistula can be operated by "cleaving" (cutting open) and by laser treatment. Depending on the course of the fistula, a choice of surgery options is made together with you.
Want to learn more about perianal fistula treatment options at Bergman Clinics? Feel free to call us at 088 9000 500. Our staff will be happy to answer your questions. It is also possible to schedule an appointment right away.
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