Keesomstraat 14
1821 BS Alkmaar
The main characteristic of recurrent cystitis, of course, is that it comes back several times. Most women know the signs and symptoms of cystitis. For example, bothersome urge to urinate and urinating with small bits. Urination may be painful or urinating gives a burning sensation.
With a more severe bladder infection, women complain of pain in the lower abdomen, pain above the pubic bone or pain in the lower back. Other symptoms include cloudy urine and sometimes blood is visible in the urine. With a bladder infection, women do not have a fever, at most some elevation.
Make an appointment with your primary care physician. Often an initial treatment can already be initiated by her/him. If the symptoms persist, your doctor can refer you to a specialist at our clinic.
If, after reading the information on the website, you still have questions about bladder symptoms and possible treatments at Bergman Clinics, please feel free to call: 088 9000 500.
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