Keesomstraat 14
1821 BS Alkmaar
Excessive vaginal discharge is a common complaint. The vagina is lined with mucous membranes that secrete fluid to function properly. Thus, vaginal discharge is a natural phenomenon. Depending on the menstrual cycle, the amount of fluid produced in the vagina varies. In a healthy vagina, the fluid contains bacteria and fungi, which are naturally balanced with each other. You are not affected by this.
The presence of lactic acid bacteria in particular, creates an acidic environment. This acidic environment protects the vagina from other bacteria, which may cause you discomfort. If the balance between bacteria and fungi is disturbed, troublesome discharge may occur. You may then experience excessive discharge that is also different in color and odor, giving rise to itching, irritation or pain of the vagina and vulva. This can also cause pain during intercourse. Normal vaginal discharge has an important role in sexual intercourse.
We advise you to contact your family doctor in case of complaints. Your GP can advise you and start (initial) treatment. Sometimes the advice of a gynecologist may be necessary, your GP can refer you to Bergman Clinics | Woman for this.
An initial consultation requires that you have a referral. During the consultation, the doctor or consultant will talk to you about your symptoms and ask you a number of questions. These include the symptoms you are currently suffering from, as well as any conditions or procedures you have had earlier in your life.
If you suffer from bothersome vaginal discharge, you can visit Bergman Clinics | Woman for treatment. There, a professional team is at your service, consisting of a gynecologist, consultant, pelvic physiotherapist and a sexologist.
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